
ready to trade
"let's F'n GO"?


Born to explore

Welcome to your next chapter—a chapter where midlife isn’t a crisis, it’s a calling. You’ve spent decades showing up, stepping up, and making it happen for everyone else. Now it’s time to shift gears and focus on you without the guilt, without the overwhelm, and without the second-guessing.

Ready to breakfree from superficial BS?

Liberate, Lighten & Alignment

The first step to connecting to your higher power source to guide you in the direction your meant to go.




1 month

Ignite Your Inner Spark

Your lifeline out of the overthinking, over-giving and just over-it-all rut leaving behind the need for permission to do things your way.


6 weeks

Get Up & Glow

Get a leg up on connecting to what’s meant for you. Rise out of complacency, make sense of the constrainst over your thoughts feelings create a lifestyle you love—where your time, energy, and decisions are aligned with what lights you up,

3 weeks

Bright, Bold & A bit of Badass

Your launch pad to be who you want to be in the absense of all your concerns. Unlock your passion, discover your purpose and live the life that feels like it belongs to you. Step into your next chapter fullfilled, frisky & free!

6 months

free Yourself, Liberate your life and have peace of mind to live a life you actually love



Don't be left Out Ever Again.

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