It is our responsibility to reclaim it.
Everything you’ve imagined is within
your reach
It’s time to stop questioning what’s acceptable to the world around you

Hi beautiful, I'm Stacey

I’ve been where you are,
Burnt out from people-pleasing.
Unknowingly reacting from unhealed hurts.
Hoping self help books and therapy will heal the craving of your own self worth.
Searching for answers.
Trying to make sense of it all.

My life began to open up when I finally Stopped questioning myself, believing outside sources were what validated my worth.
Instead Realizing, when having the right tools to care deeper about myself, I can
Instead Realizing, when having the right tools to care deeper about myself, I can
change my world.

As a stylist and salon owner
for more than 3 decades now, i’ve been privy to intimate conversations with
women about how they're living in their life
My desire to coach was born out of those conversations, learning
we all go through the same shit… just trying to make sense of our own thoughts, feelings and actions so we can find our own inner peace prioritizing what really matters to us.
EVERYTHING IN YOUR LIFE has prepared you
for this moment

Defy what you were told


Finally start living your truth
I am not an expert.
I'm your ALLY.

As your LIFEstylist,you will discover how to:
✓ stop forfeiting your precious time.
✓turn down the volume of your own self doubt
✓tune in and turn on your unique badassery
BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, you’ll learn how to unapologetically master the art of showing up.